other snail websites         

other snail/gastropod websites or communities ! i absolutely dont think you should use this website as your only source , i highly encourage you to look and ask different people and learn from various different places!

         r/snails discord server         

r/snails discord server
tags : social media , forum , community , information
activity : active
in r/snails , you can ask for help and learn with their snail care guides.
very useful + fun ^^

         r/snails subreddit         
r/snails subreddit
tags : social media , forum , community
activity : quite active
in r/snails , you can ask for help , show off your snails and interact with other snail keepers.

         petsnails forum         
petsnails forum
tags : information , forum , help , community
activity : not very active
very experienced and kind community !!
its definetly not all that active but id still try my luck there ^^ it also has a lot of older questions which might help you!

tags : information , giant african land snails
rating : 10/10
very helpful and informational !!!
personally i dont have a GALS but its even useful for me ! i bet it can be really helpful for GALS owners :D

tags : information
rating : 10/10
really helpful and informational !! i highly recommend it :D !!
honestly its even kinda better than mine but shushhhh dont forget me :')